Production Endpoint Sandbox Endpoint
Copy Production Base URL /api/GenToken/Validate
Copy Sandbox Base URL /api/GenToken/Validate
Sample Request & Response
Use the below parameters and hashing function for order creation. The request should contain the following inputs to make sure inputs should be encrypted using our hashing function show in the following example to prevent exposure. For parameters description please refer here
Sample Request Sample Response
Copy "authKey": "xxxxxxxxx",
"currency": "KWD",
"pc": "DIRECTPAY",
"tunnel": "",
"amount": 1 ,
"doConvert": "N",
"description": "optional",
"referenceID": "(15 digit random number)",
"timeStamp": "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss tt",
"language": "en",
"callbackURL": "Your website URL",
"hash": "ComputedHash",
"userReference": 0,
"fName": "First Name",
"lName": "last Name",
"mobile": "mobile",
"email": "email",
"city": "city",
"pincode": "pincode",
"state": "state",
"address1": "address1",
"address2": "address2"
Copy {
"redirectURL": "string",
"tokenID": "string",
"orderAmount": 0,
"paidAmount": 0,
"serviceAmount": 0,
"commissionAmount": 0,
"originalAmount": "string"
Following the success message, the merchant should call the Initiatepaymenet API as detailed below.